We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in California. Usually, we are in Tucson but this year we decided to stay here and have a small dinner with Grandma T-Dawg and Auntie Mel. I actually cooked a few side dishes and the pumpkin pie. My pie was pretty darn good but doesn't measure up to Grandma or Aunt Chris's pie but with a little more practice......

Ryden got to try his first taste of homemade mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes although most of it ended up on his face! He was such a good boy during dinner. Just sat in his highchair and "talked" while smearing the food all over.

T-Dawg reading to Ryden while dinner was cooking...so cute!

After dinner at Teresa's house we moved the party to our house so Ryden could sleep and we could play board games! All three girls ganged up on Jason because he cheats...hehehe. It was so fun! After a long day we crashed! But of course Teresa and Mel were up a few hours later for "dark" Friday (as Teresa calls it). Those girls shopped from 4am-7pm...HARDCORE! I chickened out and decided to sleep in instead of waking up at 3:30am. The funny thing was....at about 4:15am the baby monitor went off. Ryden was in his crib fake coughing and saying mamamamama...I guess he was ready for black Friday shopping also!
We had a few visitors over the weekend. My old co-worker/friend Alex came to visit and we got to meet her boyfriend. We also got to watch the Wildcats beat ASU in football. First game I have watched since Superbowl.
Adam and Cynthia were in town from AZ so they stopped by also with their 1 1/2 year old Ramsey. Ryden and Ramsey didn't really hang out much but next year they will be able to interact a lot more! Ramsey is so cute and remided us of all the things we need to baby proof in our house!

Finally, Dustin was also visiting from AZ and stopped by. Jason got to have a boys night out which really just included dinner and a few beers....then home to watch a movie :)

How embarassing! Wearing the same outfit!

It was a great four days and I sorta got used to having Jason at home....but back to work! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.