Monday, November 23, 2009


WEIGHT: 17.2 lbs

HEIGHT: 26 inches

FAVORITE TOY: Sophie his teething giraffe. It makes his gums feel better!

FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Watching the Jack Black episode of "Yo Gabba Gabba" (ok that's my favorite thing to do too!)...eating big boy food, he graduated to peas and carrots!...being in his Baby Bjorn

MILESTONES: Holds his own bottle...sits up all by himself....takes naps in his big boy crib....says mama/mom

MOM'S FAVORITE: Seeing his eyes light up when we first walked into Disneyland! He was in such awe of everything!

DAD'S FAVORITE: The way Ryden smiles and gets excited to see him. He definitely knows his daddy!

Ryden is getting so big and changes every day. We are seeing more and more of a personalitly grow. He just melts our hearts and we are so blessed to have him in our lives!