Monday, November 23, 2009

Happiest place on earth!

Having Ryden gives me a GREAT excuse to bug Jason to take us to Disneyland. I have been dying to go since the day Ryden was born. Finally Jason caved in and we are now the proud owners of annual passes. Our first trip was this past weekend with Grandma T-Dawg (her b-day) and Auntie Mel. I think Mel and I were the most excited out of the group and we just couldn't wait to get there. The best part about the entire day was seeing Ryden's eyes light up when we first walked in.

They have the whole park decorated for Christmas and he was in heaven looking at everything. Talk about over stimulation!
We got there bright and early and only had to wait about 15-20 minutes per ride. Ryden's first ride was the Haunted Mansion which was spruced up for Christmas so it was more colorful and fun instead of dark and scary. He loved it!

We also took him on Pirates which he wasn't as impressed with. He started playing with his hands instead of looking for Jack Sparrow. By noon Disneyland looked like this:

People EVERYWHERE. It was so hard to walk and the lines started getting longer. We rode on the carousel which Ryden enjoyed (well he enjoyed the gold pole the most...tried to put it in his mouth)
One of the best parts was when we bought Ryden his 1st pair of Mickey ears. I come out of the store and I hear Ryden laughing so hard! Jason was making him laugh and it was the funniest thing! Then we put his ears on and he was still laughing!

Ryden did so well the whole day! Even lasted long enough to see "It's a small world" and "Sleeping Beauty's Castle" light up...soooo pretty. Around 6 o'clock he was ready to go (and I have to say so was I!)

Here are a few more pictures of the day. We had such a great time!

UNTIL NEXT TIME DISNEYLAND...........................