Tuesday, November 17, 2009


This past weekend we went to Tucson to meet the newest member of the family. Miss Emma Faith...our first niece. This was the first time all four cousins were together and also Ryden's first plane ride! He did awesome on the flight. Slept the entire flight out but woke up when we landed and was up for a few hours past his bedtime. That was ok because he got to see Grandma and Grandpa welcome us at the airport. He was awake the entire time on the flight back but didn't cry once! Just did a few scream laughs and was sqiurmy wormy but such a good boy. While we were in Tucson we got to spend a lot of time with the family. I had to fight Katie and GG for the Emma baby hog position and the rest of the family had to fight Jason for the Ryden baby hog position. Emma is just the sweetest little girl I have ever seen. Loves to snuggle and study faces. I miss her already! She turned a month old while we were there. Ben couldn't be a better older cousin. So gentle with Ryden and played with him a lot. It was so cute to see the three boys together although Jacob was more interested in singing "Wheels on the Bus" and pointing out stop signs. Ryden absolutley adored everyone and kept Grandma and Grandpa laughing. Such a good....but short trip. We will be back in a month!!!

Poor Toby! Always getting yelled at for messing with the babies. "Toby No niffin'"

Grandpa making the boy laugh

Love love this little one and her totally cute outfits!

Boy cousins swingin' it up

Daddy and Ryden

Sisters (baby hog Amy!)

I adore this picture of Ben reading to Ryden

Aunt Sara

Aunt Sara has cool toys

Did Ryden used to be this small?

We went to the dog park and all Jacob did was "walk the fence"

Baby hog number two...GG

More laughing

The Foss's

Aunt Katie and Aunt Elyse (this was right after Ryden tried to eat Elyse's hair)

Sisters switching babies

The boys showing Ryden how the toy works

Ryden sure does love being read to

Being silly

All the cousins

We had a campfire at Sara & Steve's house and we all sat around and roasted marshmellows. Ryden's first campfire!

Aunt Weese

We took all of the kids to the park. Ben liked pushing Ryden on the swings while Jacob took me all over the park to show me the tunnels. Jacob and I bonded because we are both the middle kids

Jacob having a meltdown