Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Arizona Best Friends

I will post our Christmas pictures soon but for the time being here are a few of Ryden and his homie Paxton. We stopped by Phoenix for a night before we headed home and let the babies play. It was nice to see Adam and Jade and we wish we could have stayed longer because the boys were so cute together! They are almost two months apart.

They were even holding hands for a minute, Ryden 7months Pax 5months

This is the same pouty face that Paxon's mommy does to make me do things I don't want to do! (you brat Jade...hahaha)

Fun with the Daddies

Check out the awesome belt that Grandpa made for Ryden. He's cool

Apparently Ryden thinks Paxton's hand is a teething ring

Smiles! BFF's!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Ok so I am one day late but yesterday Ryden turned 7 months old:

Weight: 18lbs

Length: 27"

Favorite toy: His leather bear that Grandpa hand made for him. You show it to him and his eyes light up. He also likes his little stand up toy that turns into a car.

Favorite activity: Holding on to things and standing up like a big boy. He gets so happy and proud of himself.

Milestone: Cutting his first tooth, standing up on his own. Still says "mama" and "baba" (we are working on dada)

Dislikes: Eating any meats...I have to mix it with sweet potatoes or carrots so he can't taste it.
Mom's favorite: Watching his eyes light up when he stands up on his own. He just gets so happy and screams with joy. I also love watching him interact with Jason. He just adores daddy and laughs with him all the time.

Dad's favorite: Jason absolutely loves how Ryden's personality has grown. He is easy to "rough house" with...not so breakable anymore. They have such a good time playing together.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas in Cali

Because we are going to be in Tucson for Christmas day, we celebrated Christmas in Cali with Grandma T-Dawg and Auntie Mel this past weekend. Ryden could care less about most of the toys he got. He just wanted to eat the bows and wrapping paper but it was so cute to watch him grabbing for everything.

He is at a perfect age where he can sit up on his own and almost "open" his own presents.

Of course Grandma and Mel spoiled the heck out of him but it is his first Christmas after all. We also have a tradition where we each get a pair of pajamas to wear on Christmas day. Jason and I got Edward and Jacob shirts. Which team are you on? So don't make fun.... (most of you have probably already seen the picture of the shirts on Facebook)

He was super excited about his stocking...and the stuff in it....

Brother and Sister love

Santa gave Ryden a cute toy that he can stand up and hold on to...or it can turn into a little car. I believe this was one of his favorties. He likes being a big boy.

Ryden even got to sample his first apple. What a big boy! He is cutting his very first tooth. We see it coming in through his bottom gums.

We also had a few visitors over the weekend. Jason's friend Shannon and her boyfriend stopped by to meet Ryden and brought him a few pair of Nike's (just what this kid needs...more shoes! But of course I was happy....you can NEVER have enough shoes).

Great Grandma Cora and Grandpa Mike even came out to spend some time with us.

Jason and his mini-me

Onward to Tucson for Christmas number two...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Babies, babies, babies

On Thursday, my mommy group had a little holiday get together. We all brought some hand me down clothes to deliver to charity and also put the babies together and took some pictures. Ryden is the oldest of the group which I think he enjoys because whenever he sees the other babies, he screams with joy. I think he is trying to impress the little ones with his vocal skills.
And Claire and I also dressed Oliver and Ryden in the same outfit. They looked so cute! Poor kids aren't even twins and are being forced to dress the same...hahaha

Ryden and Ayla

Corey, Moses, Celeste, Ayla, Oliver and Ryden

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Crazy weekends

So our weekends consist of finding new ways to entertain Ryden. Or I should say Ryden finding new ways to entertain us. His new thing......imitating Gene Simmons from Kiss (please excuse his FILTHY shirt! He's such a boy)

He just started this tongue thing this morning and I think it is so funny! So our fun thing to do to entertain him.....Molly and her ball. He laughs every time she jumps for it. Here is a series of pictures outlining the event:

1) Hey....what's going on behind me?

2) What the????

3) Did you guys SEE that? HAHAHA

Now that's GOOD entertainment!

Christmas Babies

How cute are the baby friends all dressed up for Christmas?? Of course, Oliver is way to cool to be posing for pictures...he has better things to do with his time. But Ryden and Aurora humor us and smile away...notice the big wet spot on Ryden's Ugg. Yes, just another thing he likes to grab and put in his mouth and Uggs aren't exactly waterproof!

Cara and Aurora

Claire and Oli (sorry Claire...this was the only one that Oli was smiling in)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tiff's house

It was ladies/babies brunch day today at Tiffany's house. We all got together to decorate cookies and have a gift exchange. Candice made the awesomest (yes that's a word) sock monkey for Ryden and somehow I didn't get a picture of it. Poor Tiff's was a mad house with about six girls and four kids but it was so fun! When I first arrived it was pouring rain and Ryden had no idea why he was getting wet. He kept looking up at the sky while I was walking from the car to Tiffany's house. By the time we got inside his hair was all slicked down from the rain. Paul grabbed him immediately and they bonded.
Tiff got some Ryden time also

Kinen is almost one but already running around the house. She is such a cutie! She was nice enough to share her toys with Ryden which he loved.

Torin sure did love his picture being taken!

Lindsey's sister-in-law Kate brought over her baby Jack. He is about two weeks younger than Ryden so it was so cute to see them together. Again, they started talking in a secret baby language while we all watched. Apparently, Kinen was not allowed in the "Boys Club"

Lindsey was able to make the boy laugh

Ryden had such a blast with his friends that he was passed out Patty on the whole ride home. Can't wait for more playdates!
Here is a video of the two boys baby talking.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Well. We put Ryden down on his jungle gym mat and moments later he started to roll over.. then roll over again.. and again.. and so on.. and so on.. After 6-7 quick rolls he was near the tree and looked over at us laughing in amazement.. Though its not quite crawling - he might be able to get through life by just rolling around.