Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas in Cali

Because we are going to be in Tucson for Christmas day, we celebrated Christmas in Cali with Grandma T-Dawg and Auntie Mel this past weekend. Ryden could care less about most of the toys he got. He just wanted to eat the bows and wrapping paper but it was so cute to watch him grabbing for everything.

He is at a perfect age where he can sit up on his own and almost "open" his own presents.

Of course Grandma and Mel spoiled the heck out of him but it is his first Christmas after all. We also have a tradition where we each get a pair of pajamas to wear on Christmas day. Jason and I got Edward and Jacob shirts. Which team are you on? So don't make fun.... (most of you have probably already seen the picture of the shirts on Facebook)

He was super excited about his stocking...and the stuff in it....

Brother and Sister love

Santa gave Ryden a cute toy that he can stand up and hold on to...or it can turn into a little car. I believe this was one of his favorties. He likes being a big boy.

Ryden even got to sample his first apple. What a big boy! He is cutting his very first tooth. We see it coming in through his bottom gums.

We also had a few visitors over the weekend. Jason's friend Shannon and her boyfriend stopped by to meet Ryden and brought him a few pair of Nike's (just what this kid needs...more shoes! But of course I was can NEVER have enough shoes).

Great Grandma Cora and Grandpa Mike even came out to spend some time with us.

Jason and his mini-me

Onward to Tucson for Christmas number two...