It was ladies/babies brunch day today at Tiffany's house. We all got together to decorate cookies and have a gift exchange. Candice made the awesomest (yes that's a word) sock monkey for Ryden and somehow I didn't get a picture of it. Poor Tiff's was a mad house with about six girls and four kids but it was so fun! When I first arrived it was pouring rain and Ryden had no idea why he was getting wet. He kept looking up at the sky while I was walking from the car to Tiffany's house. By the time we got inside his hair was all slicked down from the rain. Paul grabbed him immediately and they bonded.
Lindsey's sister-in-law Kate brought over her baby Jack. He is about two weeks younger than Ryden so it was so cute to see them together. Again, they started talking in a secret baby language while we all watched. Apparently, Kinen was not allowed in the "Boys Club"
Here is a video of the two boys baby talking.