Thursday, December 24, 2009


Ok so I am one day late but yesterday Ryden turned 7 months old:

Weight: 18lbs

Length: 27"

Favorite toy: His leather bear that Grandpa hand made for him. You show it to him and his eyes light up. He also likes his little stand up toy that turns into a car.

Favorite activity: Holding on to things and standing up like a big boy. He gets so happy and proud of himself.

Milestone: Cutting his first tooth, standing up on his own. Still says "mama" and "baba" (we are working on dada)

Dislikes: Eating any meats...I have to mix it with sweet potatoes or carrots so he can't taste it.
Mom's favorite: Watching his eyes light up when he stands up on his own. He just gets so happy and screams with joy. I also love watching him interact with Jason. He just adores daddy and laughs with him all the time.

Dad's favorite: Jason absolutely loves how Ryden's personality has grown. He is easy to "rough house" with...not so breakable anymore. They have such a good time playing together.