Monday, December 12, 2011

Fun day with Papa Mike and Auntie

Papa Mike came to visit and Ryden was so cited to see him!  And as a bonus, Auntie came to hang out too!  So we all headed to Legoland to have some fun.  Of course it was all decked out for Christmas and it was a super nice day.  See if you can spot the skateboards in the above picture.  That was the first thing Ryden pointed out to me.  Someones obsessed
In the first two minutes that we got to Legoland, Trevin spit up all over his shirt.  I am QUEEN of not packing an extra outfit.  Thank goodness he was wearing an undershirt although he had to smell like barf the rest of the day.  He didn't see to mind
 I usually go with my mommy friends which is a little difficult with both boys so it was nice to have several people to go on the rides with Ryden.  He loved it
Jason and his dad decided to try out THE CLAW!  Notice my fancy abstract picture.  I focused on the branch instead of their scared faces (ok that was an accident)
They had 'snow' falling although you can't really tell from this picture
So much fun!