Thursday, December 29, 2011

One last Disneyland trip

Our Disney passes expire the beginning of January so we had to go one more time.  It is my favorite time to go to Disneyland because it is all decked out for Christmas.  Although it was cold and crowded, we still had the best time!  Ryden still loved Small World (as did Teresa)... Trevin could care less.  Seemed every time we were on a ride he was snoozin'
Another Ryden favorite?  The teacups!  Jason had to go on these solo.  Teresa and I both would have barfed in our teacup...We don't do dizzy
Trevin just hangin' out...going with the flow

Horses!  This is about the most spinning we can handle
Teresa suggested we visit Tom Sawyer's island (or Mark Twain's as I referred to it).  I haven't been there since I was a kid.  It was the coolest ever!  Caves, forts, treehouses.  Ry was so content just running around.  So was Grandma
The cave was "Too Scary" according to Ryden
Awesome treehouse! 
Mama looking up with concern
But Grandma has it under control

Crazy draw bridge.  Picture is a little out of focus but its one of my favs
Waiting for the new Little Mermaid ride.  According to Ryden..."too loud" 
Trev's first Mickey ears
And Bug's Life
My favorite part.....
So we asked this lady to take our picture by the Christmas tree.  Well, her husband stands behind her and starts making these crazy faces to get the kids to look.  But of course I am the only one DYING of laughter.  Hence, my ridiculous face in the below picture
Ryden loved the drinking fountain
SOOOO pretty...our last ride of the night.  Repeat SMALL WORLD.  We stood in line for about an hour.  But someone was cited!
Until next time Disney...