Saturday, December 31, 2011


WEIGHT:  14.2 lbs
FAVORITE TOY:  Anything that he can grab onto and put in his mouth.  This boy chews on everything!
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Bouncing in the jumper.  Talking to his brother.  Staring at his brother.  Now that he can hold his head up he likes to be on his tummy
MILESTONES:  Holding his head up all the way.  Rolling from tummy to back.  "Standing up" while I hold on to him of course.  
DISLIKES:  The car seat!!!  I forgot how much I dislike this stage.  When your baby is screaming and there is nothing you can do about it because you are driving....the worst!!!  As long as he has a backseat buddy he is ok.
SLEEP PATTERN:  This one is hard for me because I keep comparing him to Ryden who was pretty much sleeping through the night by now.  This one is not.  I got about a week of him only waking up once.  And now we are back to waking up twice a night.  But I shouldn't complain because he will eat and go right back to sleep.  And he is such a good boy so I don't mind at all.