Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas in Tucson

A little late with this post but here are a few pics from Christmas in Tucson.  As always, Ryden had a blast with his cousins and all the angry birds.  And Trev was pretty happy with all the attention as well   
My mom and I dressed like twinsies
We went to Winterhaven and admired all the awesome lights.  Ryden spent most of his time jumping off curbs but he did love riding in the wagon for a little bit with his cousin

Ryden got lots of Papa time

New slippers from Cody
New handmade belt
Kindle fire's were a hit (don't get any ideas Ryden)
Jacob's favorite...Sara just told me that Jacob told his neighbor that he has a cousin with no teeth named Trevin...good one!
Breakfast cookers
New presents for Trevin
Best present Ryden got?  One of Grandpa Clyde's airplanes!  I am so excited to hang it in his room

 Brother love
My mom asked Emma and Ryden to hold up how many fingers old they are.  I don't think they understood the question
Bracing himself for the extremely LOUD whipped cream sound
Merry Christmas from TUCSON!