Thursday, March 1, 2012

Showering Cody

One of the main reasons we all headed to VA was to throw a baby shower for Cody.  I swear, I have never seen a cuter pregnant girl ever.  And she is happy and glowing!  Can you believe she has two babies in there?
The shower started off with one of my homemade picture slideshows.  Unfortunately, the disc wouldn't play in the DVD player so we all huddled around the laptop
After some water works from Mom, we started in on the games.  Although GG Pie didn't win, she did come up with the best answers.  Name something that starts with A that's baby related.  ALASKA!
Bring on the presents!
Onesies with my dad's leather shop logo...cute!
Of course we ohh'd and ahh'd over the girl clothes
Best book eva!
What a fun time....glad Katie had some time away from the kitchen.