WEIGHT: 18 lbs
FAVORITE TOY: Anything he can grab and put in his mouth. Preferably if it contains small parts he could potentially choke on
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Walking around the coffee table. Moving around. Taking baths with his bro.
MILESTONES: Walking a lot more now (when holding on to stuff), eating tons of big boy food like steamed carrots, crackers, eggs, goldfish, cake, pizza....when sitting up he can go to a crawling position. Rolls around all over the place. Still no crawling...he wants to soooo bad! Sleeping through the night!!
DISLIKES: Being on his stomach. Baby food! Not being able to crawl. Being held.
MAMA'S FAVORITE: Man he is just such a fun baby. Great personality and loves observing everything. I also love how he stands up for himself when his brother picks on him. Won't be long before Ryden is getting beat up by Trev
DADA's FAVORITE: He can tell he is already more outgoing then his brother is and will probably be jumping off the roof in a few months. Dada's boy.