Sunday, June 10, 2012

Run Run Run

After I ran the 10K Jason said, "So when are you going to try a 1/2 marathon", to which I replied "NEVER!"  Well I guess peer pressure got the best of me (thanks Cathy) and next thing I knew I was signed up for the SD Rock N Roll half. Finding time to train was a little difficult (who has time to run 7-10 miles a few times a week with kids and a hubby who works all the time?)  So I felt a little unprepared but still set a goal for myself to run the whole thing.  Even if I ran at a snails pace.  Decked out in my Bret Michaels gear I was ready to go.  The race was so much fun!  Super high energy, cheer leaders, but the best were the sign holders.  I got a kick out of reading all the signs people were holding up.  "Don't hurl!"  "Worst parade ever" "Don't stop, don't stop....that's what she said".  But I have to say one sign really got to me.  A lady was standing solo holding a sign that said "You inspire me....yes you".  I honestly choked up a bit.  I hope she knows how amazing her small little sign made me feel.  Anyways, here are my stats just for my records..and yes I ran the whole 13.1 miles:

Finished in 2 hours and 21 minutes
Overall:  8580 out of 17,600
Age group:  718 out of 1762
Gender group:  4397 out of 11,220