Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Jason's dream come true

Jason loves everything about skateboarding and what more could he ask for then to take his son to a skateboarding contest.  Even before we had kids, J would watch skateboarding on TV and always comment how he couldn't wait to share that experience with his sons/daughters.  The best part is that Ryden seems to adore the sport just as much as his pops.  Has a favorite skateboarder, carries around his tech deck boards, knows how to preform and the names of all the tricks.  We had a blast!
Ryden's favorite pro in blue.... Paul Rodriguez or P.Rod
Mama's new favorite hipster skateboarder.  (But I did still scream like a little girl when Sheckler skated.  How embarassing)
Front side, tail side, blunt stall to fakey... (that is really not the right name for the trick but sure sounds cool)
Since it was general admission we could sit wherever was available.  Jason had ADD and kept moving us all around.  We started up top...
...and finally ended up in prime seats near the floor
Nyjah Huston...he killed it as usual (man I'm so hip because I sound like I know what I'm talking about)
Chaz Ortiz
And Rob Dyrdek...sorta