Tuesday, July 3, 2012


WEIGHT:  18.6 lbs
FAVORITE TOY:  His walker that he pushes all around town.  
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Moving!  The boy can't sit still.  Needs to be standing, walking, crawling, climbing, etc.. Also loves loves the pool and swimming!
MILESTONES:  We are finally crawling!  YAY!  Stands on his own for a few seconds.  Walks everywhere with a little assistance.  Goes down slides all by self.  He is now getting five new teeth in!!  Four on top and one more on the bottom.  Can pick himself up to any position now.  If he's on his belly he can go to a sitting position...eats pretty much what we are eating but in smaller bites
DISLIKES:  Sleeping in...he has been waking up at 5am!  Doesn't like when he can't do something.  He gets very frustrated.  Doesn't like being neat.  He will literally destroy the playroom in a matter of minutes.  And all his food on his tray is all over the kitchen within seconds of being put in front of him
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Loving that he is mobile now.  When he couldn't crawl he would lay on his stomach and whine!  Now he can do everything on his own.  Makes more work for me since I have to watch him more closely but I love how he is so proud of himself
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Reading stories to him.  His head butt cuddles (?).  Him reaching his hands out for Dada.  Crawling and his swim skills