Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Phoenix- Friends

We managed to see a few of our friends while roasting to death in Phx.  The Wallace's have two boys around the same ages as ours.  
Ryden and Kelton (of course I didn't get any pictures of Tanin and Trevin...the little ones)
Not really sure what this face is...just sure he probably shouldn't do that face again
Then we headed over to the Izzet's.  And they also have two boys the same ages as ours.  So many boys!!  Paxton LOVES Ryden.  They were so fun together.  Playing playing and more playing
And we came just in time to celebrate Pax's third birthday with him.  Jade made these amazing fruit and veggie plants...I guess I helped a little
Then it was time to party.  We went to this indoor bouncy place full of trampolines and bounce houses.  Great place for kids to get out some energy

Best buds eatin' cake
The next morning was perfect for running in the sprinklers

So much fun!  Pax and Ry had such a fun time together