Saturday, July 21, 2012

Phoenix- Papa and Ahwee

 We decided to take our summer trip to the middle of July...not so smart.  But lucky for us we pretty much lived by the pool the whole time.  We spent a lot of time with Jason's dad and a few of our Phoenix friends who we never really get to see when we are in Tucson.  But Papa and Ahwee made a pit stop on their way to Prescott to swim with us.
Of course we had to ride the slide several times..
Ryden and Dada

All smiles so he must've liked it
Papa and Ryden's turn....nice hair blowing in the wind Pa
Then Jason has the grand idea to send Ry by himself.  Poor kid came out backwards and flipped around
Then parents of the year go with Trevin..yeah..his face seems a little unsure
Graceful exit
Soak city
And since there were no tears we decided to send him down one more time.  Another graceful exit
Then we moved on to throwing things at Papa....THINK FAST!
And Trev grubbed on some oranges
After pool time, we all took Ahwee out to dinner for her birthday.  Of course, Ry had to be the first one to dig into the cake.  This was the first time in a long time that I got to celebrate my mom's bday with her.  It was an awesome day 
Make a wish!
Happy Birthday Ahwee!
Umm...did someone say cake?  Can you throw some my way before my bro eats it all?
Papa and Ahwee with the boys
Can't go to AZ without getting a picture of Ry by a cactus
When the time came for Papa and Ahwee to leave, Ryden started crying.  He didn't want them to go.  Broke my heart but it was so sweet....
More Phx to come...