Thursday, November 1, 2012


Since Jason has been traveling and working like a mad man, I convinced him to have a family day at Disney.  Yes, we have been there so many times in the past few weeks but never with Daddy.  We had such a blast!  Princess Aurora even showed up to hang with us for the day..
Sooo good to see my friend Cara.  Ryden and Aurora are so sweet together.  She always wanted to sit by him on the rides and when she was scared Ry would say "its ok...I'm right here".  Love them!
Small World was closed which Ry was a little upset about.  So we stood in front of it for awhile commenting on the water being gone and the clock not working..
Roger Rabbit was a little whip-lashy but lots of stuff for A.D.D Trev to look at
Since Ry isn't tall enough for the cool rides....he settled for the 15 second roller coaster in toon town
..while I waited with passed out patty
Drivin' the cars....
...and watchin' the ducks
If you know Ryden, you know how much he loves to jump off things.  Well, while we were taking a small break, he was jumping off a bench thing near space mountain.  He jumped and then proceeded to slip and whack his head against a sharp rock.  His head started bleeding so much that we had the Disneyland medics come up and look at him.  Thankfully, it was nothing that a little ferris wheel couldn't fix...heart attack city!
Still happy
We went to the Pixar parade again...and of course, Trev seemed to want to start his own parade.  
I believe this is the winner of 'boring-est ride'...but Ryden loves it.  Sorry Bug's Life
While I was waiting for Jason to take Ry on the Mater ride I just happened to run into four of the dancers from So You Think You Can Dance.  I was completely star struck as this is one of my favorite shows!  They were all super duper nice and let me take a pic with them.  Seriously died!  
After all the excitement, everyone was ready to go home...well I could've stayed longer, even after this being the FIFTH time I've been here in two weeks.  It was a great day.  Lots of family time...just what we all needed