Friday, November 2, 2012


Ryden's preschool had a costume parade on Halloween.  It was adorable to see all the kids prance around the school.  When I told Ryden he was going to be in a parade he freaked out at first.  He thought it was a real parade complete with loud music, drums, marching, the works...he calmed down when he realized he just had to walk around.  Even seemed a little bored while waiting for his classrooms turn...
Trev was equally bored...
Ryden and Myles
Bored again...
Room number it!  You can see Ry's hair from a mile away
Trev made his own one joined
Ryden's teacher Miss Jessica...he loves her
and Miss Sue
For Halloween night, we went down to Riviera Village right by our house.  All the stores pass out candy.  There were a gazillon people there but it was really fun and Ryden scored on candy.  Of course, we were dressed as Cat and the Hat and the would've thought we were celebrities or something.  I swear we got a lot of attention.  People were yelling from across the street "thing one!!  thing two!!  Yeah!"  "Great costumes!  So cute!!"  I mean geez...I didn't think I was that original.  Some lady passing out candy even made Ryden stop so she could take a picture of him and totally held up the line..
Trev was slightly pissed off when we got there but once he got a lollipop, all was ok
Ryden....bored again?
See??  Not original...we found some other things...
Ready to check out the candy stash...
Spoooky picture
We asked Ryden if he wanted to go trick or treat at the houses by our house.  "Nope...I'm good" was his home we went
"I scored!"