Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Long lazy weekend

Our Memorial Day weekend was very chill.  Nothing too eventful.  Hung with a few friends one day...Trev came down with a fever again the next day...and then the last day, we hung out at this cool lagoon area right by our house.  
Ryden loved this place!  It was like a mini beach without the waves.  It had a playground, splash areas, and even some small water slides (that of course Ry was too short to go on).  He was in and out of the water all day...splashing...playing soccer...

Trevin, on the other hand, was having a rough weekend.  Super cranky, whined pretty much the whole time we were there.  I finally coached him into the water and what does he do?  Runs full on into the water and immediately goes under water.  That royally pissed him off so he spent the rest of the time eating snacks or making sand castles.  Didn't want anything else to do with the water which is so unlike Trev!  Not feeling good...poor boy

After we were all good and sunburnt...we hit the road.  Kids took awesome naps and we discovered a new fun place for the summer! (Emily if you are reading this...we should go here when you visit!  The kids will love it)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Ryden turns 4

On Ryden's actual birthday, Dada (yes Ryden still calls him that) got off work early and we headed to the beach for a dinner picnic.  The seagulls ended up making out with most of the dinner but the kids were too busy running around anyways.
After romping around the beach for awhile, we walked to get some birthday gelato for the boys
This was slightly torturous for me and Jason because we are doing a cleanse right now...which means we get to drink our dessert.  Simply not the same
Earlier in the day when I picked up Ry from preschool, he was sportin' this cool birthday crown.  Complete with a drawing of a skateboarder.  Love how they know my boy so well. We brought cupcakes for his class.  Ry was beaming the whole day.  Thank you to everyone for the shout-outs, songs, cards, presents, etc..  I would say he had a great birthday filled with lots of love...and sugar

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bowling birthday

We celebrated Ry's birthday a week early done in Carlsbad with our old homies.  Ry is so into bowling so it was only natural that we had a bowling party.  PS.  This was the easiest party I have ever thrown!  Brought the cake and party favors...they did the rest.
Ayla was the best!  Every time I said "Say Cheese" she would pose next to the closest person by her...
This one of her with Ry melts my heart.  They have been friends since they were just 3 months old...sniff sniff
In fact, most of his C-bad homies he has known since before he could sit up..
Good one Charlie
Miss Zoey in her hat we got her for her first birthday
Miss these Rockwell folks
Bro hugs!!
Trevin was actually passed out for the first half of the party...
Oh Ry with his homies...they are so funny!
Trev eventually got bored with bowling and went on to skateboarding
Trevin got to sit with the big kids
Sweet Aurora
Shiloh and Moses
Ayla and the birthday boy
Charlie and Samuel
Bowling birthday cake
Love this picture
...and this one too
...one last favorite
Ryden trying out some of his new presents
Water balloon time
Trevin "bailing"
Thank you to everyone for celebrating with Ryden...