Friday, May 24, 2013

Ryden turns 4

On Ryden's actual birthday, Dada (yes Ryden still calls him that) got off work early and we headed to the beach for a dinner picnic.  The seagulls ended up making out with most of the dinner but the kids were too busy running around anyways.
After romping around the beach for awhile, we walked to get some birthday gelato for the boys
This was slightly torturous for me and Jason because we are doing a cleanse right now...which means we get to drink our dessert.  Simply not the same
Earlier in the day when I picked up Ry from preschool, he was sportin' this cool birthday crown.  Complete with a drawing of a skateboarder.  Love how they know my boy so well. We brought cupcakes for his class.  Ry was beaming the whole day.  Thank you to everyone for the shout-outs, songs, cards, presents, etc..  I would say he had a great birthday filled with lots of love...and sugar