Friday, May 3, 2013


FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Going to MyGym and running around.  Playing "Wipeout" with his brother.  Skateboarding with his toy Nyjah Huston skater.  Tormenting Molly.  Walking anywhere on his own.  Hugging people
FAVORITE WORDS:  He is starting to mumble more now.  He will look you straight in the eye and start jabbering intent on telling you what he has to say.  He can say apple, boo, poop....and that's pretty much the only things I can understand
DISLIKES:  Riding in the stroller.  Our outings take an extra long time because he needs to walk everywhere....which would be fine if he wasn't distracted by every little bug, leaf, or cigarette butt on the ground
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Just recently, he has been in the hugging mood.  He will randomly go up and hug anyone.  The mom's in my mommy/me...Ryden....the photographer at the etnies photo is adorable.  I also love that when I am holding him, he will turn my face with his hands so that I am looking at him and then speak his little baby language.
DAD'S FAVORITE:  That he is the skateboarder of the family.  Ry is in the 'scared to try things' phase so pretty much whines when Jason tries to get him on a skateboard.  Trev hops on full force and is raring to go!