Monday, May 13, 2013

Bachelorette party madness

My sis-in-law is getting married!  I am honored to be her maid of honor so I was in charge of the bachelorette party.  What fun we had!  She had two requests.  Wigs and drag queen bar.  Done and done!  First, I threw a mini bridal shower before we headed to the drag show.
Fun party bags for all the girls
Who the heck buys disposable cameras anymore??  I sure do!  And these were hecka cheap!  I gave one to each girl so the night would be well documented
Wigs on and ready for some fun
I turned on some Usher and that was it for Teresa....busted a move!
Get it girl!!
Isn't she lovely.....who can wear pink hair that well??  Slightly jealous!

We played pin the lips on the man....

The finished product
Mel's bestest friend from way back
Who brought that ridiculous bag?  Stacey????  
Who me?
Teresa lookin' all fly...
Here we go...Drag Queen show!
...and a shot
Lots of crazy wigged out girls
Me and the future Mrs. Lauffer
Some of these queens were prettier than us!
Stacey seems impressed by this drink
...and her steak

The blue crew
Cara got picked on hard core the whole night...the queens loved her
So cited for my sis!!
Mel on stage being 'harassed'
...aaand another shot
Hold the crown on girl! (impressed by the girl next to Mel...she took it like a champ!)
What a blast we all had!  Now on to the wedding!!!!  YIPPEE