Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Marcy visits

My good friend from Tucson came to visit and brought her three kids.  We had so much fun and spent a lot of time just hanging out and letting the kids get to know each other (which didn't take long at all).  But of course, we had to take them to Disneyland.  At first, two adults with five kids scared me a bit.  But we had no issues and all the kids were great (aside from drama Trevin with caveman Brother).
 Marcy is just like me.  She had her certain pictures she needed to get.  The first one was everyone in front of the opening gates.  Everyone was fresh faced and didn't complain.
The girls and Ryden had never been on the Matterhorn, so we booked it over there first to get that out of the way before the line got longer.  Marcy took the older kids and I got stuck with Brother and Trevin.  I did my best to keep things civil while waiting in line for Small World.  Brother tried to talk to Trevin to which he responded with...
But the line was about a minute long so we got right on and both boys LOVED it!  Brother sat silent for the whole time and when the ride was over, all he said was "AGAIN".  Brother like ride.  The other kids met up with us right after the Matterhorn and we granted Brother's wish to go on Small World again....after some snacks of course.
Ryden wanted to ride with Hannah and Trevin jumped in next to Adrianna.
 I was sitting next to Adrianna and Trevin and it was the cutest thing.  Trevin would point out stuff to her and she would sweetly respond with a "Yeah that's so pretty".  She also placed her arm on his back.
 ...and after the ride was over Trevin said "I tired" and laid down in Jhonna's (her nickname) lap.
Ryden had shown Jhonna his sword that he got the last time he was at Disneyland, so she wanted one.  Mission accomplished.  They carried those things all over. 
 And Disney would not be complete without some hapika's (lolipops in Brother lingo).  
 She is so sweet
 After pirates, we headed over so Hannah could ride Space Mountain.  The littles fell asleep which made it easy for me to be alone with four kids while Marcy went with Hannah.
 After everyone's nap...we hit Buzz Lightyear
 And I was FORCED to go on the teacups.  We packed all seven of us in that dang cup!
 Merry-go-round time!  All the kids ran to a horse and I looked over and noticed Ry with a pouty face.  He wanted to ride on the couch.  He had this look the entire ride....
The other kids had a blast though..
 Every time I was holding Trevin's hand, he would break away from me and go grab one of the girls hands.  Chopped liver!
 Pouty Magoo Ryden immediately fell asleep in the stroller after the merry-go-round so he missed out on another picture Marcy and I were planning.  Posed in front of the castle.
 Waiting in line for the train...more lollipops and chocolate covered pretzels.  Just what they needed.
 This little display was set up so I made the kids take a picture by it.  "Show me your scarrrry face!"  Try again Ryden
 Train time!  Every time we stopped, Brother would say "get off get off" and start screaming until we started moving again.  There were about 5 stops. ..Me no like train.
 We decided to ride Small World one more time before we left.  While we were waiting in line, the parade started.  So they got to see a small part of it...
 It was the 'funnest' day!  Had so much fun with the Kynaston clan!  New tradition???