Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

We headed to the pumpkin patch with the Smith girls.  It was a pretty small one but the kids still had a great time. I think the highlight for Trevin was feeding the animals.
Every time he would feed an animal he would turn around and say "He kiss me!"
The other kids enjoyed it as well..
 Oh Tessa and Trevin...
 And Ry + Liv
 Trevin wanted nothing to do with the bounce house so while the other kids were bouncing...
...I bribed Trevin.  I told him if he sat by this scary clown guy I would buy him more animal food.
He got the new cup of food and said "Mama I pretend like I eat it"
And then ran over to feed the cow.
These two are so stinkin' cute!
...annnnd Angie found herself a new man.  Sorry Jared.
None of the other kids would stand by the creepy clowns and pumpkins but Trevie took one for the team.  Thanks Trev!  He even held the clowns 'hand'.  That's what we call committing to the photo..right Katie?
 Show me your scary faces...
So, Ryden is quite the rule follower.  And now that he can read, it's a little extreme.  He saw this sign...
Yes, that is Ryden's hand waving at Trevin to get off the pumpkins.  Don't break the rules!!  And Trev is smirking.
Everyone picked out a pumpkin and we headed out..
 Trev was immediately asleep once we got in the car...pumpkin still in hand.