Thursday, April 30, 2015

Happy Birthday Jason!

I'm a little late with this blog post since Jason's birthday was 4/15, but better late than never!  When it's my birthday and Jason asks what I want to do, I usually want a huge get-together with our friends.  When I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday he said dinner with me and the boys.  How sweet.  So we went to dinner and then opened presents and ate cupcakes at home.
Each of the boys had painted a card for Dada and Ryden took it one step further and made him a birthday crown that Jason proudly the house.
Trevin patiently waited for Dada to finish opening his gifts.  "TIME FOR CUPCAKES" he then shouted.
 Make a wish...
 Jason may have been just as excited for the cupcakes because he didn't even bother taking off the paper...just ate right through it.
As you can tell, I still don't know how to really work my good camera.  Sometimes I choose the wrong function....
 One tooth Magoo.
 Happy birthday Dada Jason