Thursday, July 23, 2015

Yosemite...Part 2

We went back to the condo to get our bikes and headed to the bike trail.  
 Ryden was a rock star on his bike and totally kept up with us the whole time.  We rode past the coolest swimming area and decided to make a pit stop.
It was super duper hot outside so we decided to take a dip in the water.  No bathing suits?  No problem.  The boys swam in their undies.
 The water was super cold but that didn't stop the boys.  Tons of fun splashing and throwing rocks.  Several people were floating down in tubes...the boys totally wanted to get in on that but Trevin was to0 little.  Maybe next year.
 In the scenic picture above, you can see this amazing waterfall on the mountain.  Jason decided we needed to "hike" up to see it.  So, we got back in dry clothes and headed off for another adventure.  Stopping to climb on some rocks...
 We made it to the waterfall and it was absolutely beautiful!!  The scenery on the walk up was so breathtaking and peaceful.  I was taking it all between Trevin's never ending requests for popsicles and chocolate.  Really dude?
 Jason took the boys on the rocks by the waterfall to get a closer look.  I stayed behind to take some photos.  They were troopers climbing up all those rocks..
 This is as close as they got.  Such a great place!  Nature is pretty cool.