Monday, July 20, 2015

Yosemite...Part 1

We got to Yosemite in the early evening, checked into our condo, and pretty much called it a night.  The next morning, we were ready to explore.  Our first adventure was to go ride a real train that goes through the mountains.  We had to stop to take a few scenic shots on the way.

 I had to take several pictures of Trevin's puzzle shirt since it was one he got for free...had to do some advertising for the small shop (Little Faces Apparel
 We made it to the Sugar Pine Railroad.  This train was awesome and I think I was more excited to ride it than the boys...
 Ryden wanted to ride on the log benches so right when they called "ALL ABOARD" we darted for that section.  Little did I know that we would be leaving with several splinters in our butts ;)
 Jason documenting what would soon turn into a video of our trip...complete with a soundtrack.
 "This train doesn't go very fast"
 Trevin had some sort of stick (or maybe a splinter) up his bum and was unhappy almost the whole ride.  We tried everything to cheer up grumpy gus but decided just to let him pout while we enjoyed the ride.
 Oh Trevie...
 The train let out all of its steam on the side and Ry was totally into it.  Trev got a few drops of water sprayed on his leg and wasn't too thrilled.
 The train stopped and let everyone get off and explore for 20 minutes.  Trevin's spirits seemed to perk up once he was free to roam.  Ryden was pretty stoked to be exploring as well.
 Man...the forest is so awesome!  I love trees...reminds me of our camping days when we were younger.
 Forest Ninja
 Throwing rocks...a favorite past time..please don't knock anyone out.
 Such a cute face when he is not grumpy...well I guess grumpy face is still cute too.
 Collecting sticks...another favorite activity
 We really need to take Ryden camping...I think he would enjoy it so much.  He loved climbing rocks and crossing streams.
 Little Mountain Man
 Back on the train and headed back to the station
 Trevin...just being Trevin
 On the way home from the train, we stopped to take more scenic pictures that don't do this place justice!
 Trevin is probably one of the hardest subjects to photograph.  I'm sure you could capture a rare bird before you get a good shot of him....kind of funny since I take pictures of him all the time.
 I finally have to tell Jason and Ryden to just smile and not worry about what Trevin is doing.  Two outta three ain't bad...I always say that Trevin adds personality to the pictures..yeah..yeah..that's the ticket
 My turn with the boys....
 ...or just Ryden
 We headed home and got ready for a bike ride...more on that in Part 2