Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Yosemite..Part 3

The next day was our last day in Yosemite before we headed to Tahoe.  We decided to take a quick "hike" in the morning.
Trevin, of course, picked out his best hiking outfit...because who doesn't hike in a super short bathing suit.
We had to stop and read the signs.
 This trail was a horseback trail as well.  Trevin was fascinated by all of the poop and commented on each pile that we passed.
Jason ended up carrying Trevin for awhile.  That was my cue to start snapping some pics.
 This place was filled with fun things to climb on and jump off.  Perfect for all THREE of my kids.
 Please don't break any bones
"Punch me in the stomach as hard as you can Trevin" tough Jason.  And Ryden shows his six pack as well...
 We finished our super tough hike and decided to head to swim before we left for Tahoe.  Jason was huge into stopping to take pictures of the scenery.  So, we hopped out and made the kids pose some more...
 Trev decided that monkey needed to come see nature as well.  I was just praying that monkey wouldn't go 'waa-hooey' off the cliff!
 Trevin also looked like he wanted to throw me off the cliff every time I said "Smile"!
 Ry and Dada are a lot easier to photograph.
 Such a cool view!!...and yes, there isn't really a cliff behind us.  More like a dirt hill.
We finally made it to another little water area.  We set up shop and let the boys go to town.
 Trevin found a little mud hole and called it his jacuzzi.  He splashed in that thing for a good 20 minutes.
 And Ryden had a grand old time on his 'surfboard'
 It was so shallow that the boys could just walk or float down the river.  I could just sit and enjoy the view.
 Entertaining himself
Ry and Dada went to explore so I did a photo shoot with Trev... Had to advertise for Fly Little Guy
  "Mama, I eat this rock"...sure kid...knock yourself out.
 Movie star
Throwin' rocks..
 Trevin picture overload!  Let's throw Ryden into the mix.  Ahhh...brothers...
 This water area was even better than the last one.  We could've stayed there all day...but onward to Tahoe!