Sunday, September 20, 2015

Tucson...Part 3

We woke up the next morning and guess what we did?  That's right...back into the pool we went.
 Lots of jumping in and squirting each other with the water gun thingy.
 Cannonball Freezer!  That is what Trevin would yell each time he jumped in
 My mom and I took the boys to Bookman's and the Dollar Store.  They were in hog heaven when Ahwee said they could pick out a few books each ("I've got credit!").  And then I gave them $2 each to spend at the dollar store..Trev picked out a ninja mask and wore it for a while in the heat.
Ryden snuggled up to Boo and read his new books.
Then the cousins got out of school so we went bowling with them.  It's kind of a tradition
Ben has been toting his video camera every where because he was filming a movie starring Ry and Trev.  We actually got the final edited edition in the mail the other day and it was AMAZING!  Reminded me of when I use to force the cousins to put on plays and make music videos.
After bowling, we headed over to the cousins house.  Since they had school all week, we barely had time to chill at their house which is one of my boy's favorite things to do.  So we had more swim time with lots of jumps into the pool
Look out below Jacob!
 This little boy sure does love his cousins
 Such a little fish this whole trip
 I love that Jacob wore every tube...
 ...and then jumped in with them all
 Little Emma...probably the only time she wasn't being tortured by her brother (or vice versa)
 Sara put 'Snowfee' in the pool....she was pissed
 Mad dog sunbathin' in the sunnnn...
 After Emma had been tormented enough, she got out of the pool and did some nice art work.  She would say "Ok Aunt Amy, what color of shirt do you want?"  I said "How about blue?"  She answered "Hmm...I think I'll do it pink"  She asked the same question about my skirt and did the exact opposite of my answer...
 Back at Papa & Ahwee's the ninja had some mad dog.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tucson...Part 2

The day started bright and early with the making of a pear pie.  This time, Trevin was eager to help.  He wanted to be included on the pear pie making tradition.
Since we were visiting so close to Trevin's actual birthday, I asked the cousins if they wanted to come to Peter Piper Pizza to celebrate Trevin turning four.  They were all on board!
They loved the carousel..but I think Ahwee loved it the best.
 Skee ball!
It was hilarious to watch Trevin play this race car game.  His legs were to short to reach the pedals so someone had to stand next to him and push on the gas.  Meanwhile, he was just plowin' over curbs, flipping onto incoming traffic, and doing 360's....while maintaining a serious look on his face.  We were cracking up.
  After some cardboard pizza and lots of germs, we headed back home to celebrate with some cupcakes and presents.  Both the Davies and my parents got Trevin a grab bag of fun toys.  It was awesome watching him open each thing and get excited.  This Happy Birthday headband was a hit.
 "Now I can drink coffee like Grandma!"
 Of course...the gum was his favorite.  Now that he is four he gets to chew gum (although Jason caved and gave him gum when he was only three!)
 "Whoa Doggies Ahwee!"  She might kill me for this picture.  
 A mallet that lights up when you hit it on something?  Perfect!
 Sara knows the way to Trevy's heart is through candy
 "Nobody will throw my ball?"- Molly Boo
My mom was nice enough to get a few things for Ryden so he wouldn't feel left out.
 Birthday cake time!
 Trevin trying so hard to control...and not plant his face in the frosting.
 The big four year old...
 And Jacob doing his arm farts as usual.  Trevin thought that was the greatest thing and would go around the house whacking his arm on his chest as hard as he could with no chance of a fart noise.  Like cousin like cousin.
 Trevin proceeded to eat only the frosting off of the cake.  Sweet.  Thanks for all of the presents and celebrating with Trevin!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Tucson...Part 1

It was about that time for us to head to Tucson to visit with the family.  Jason had a work trip in Vegas so that was the perfect time for us to go.  And it was right before school started for the boys so it was the perfect end of summer activity.
The boys were so excited to see their cousins and have since been talking about them non-stop.  Since it was right around Trevin's birthday, my mom and I took him to Toys R Us to pick out some toys with the birthday money GG gave him.  He picked out a cheap plastic pig bank from the dollar bin and a pack of Pez and he was happy.
The next morning, Ry couldn't wait to go on one of his famous Ahwee walks.  Each time he would come back from a walk, he would have some new Tucson treasure.  We must've left with half of the rocks and dead cactus in Arizona to bring back to California
We picked the absolute hottest week to go to Arizona.  The temp was about 115 every day.  This meant we spent most of our time in the pool. 
Trevin was in the pool at 7am and swam until about 11am.
 Ryden was completely happy watching from the sidelines.  He hasn't been to keen on swimming lately.
I was happy to join Trevin in the pool because I was roasting to death just watching him...
This also gave me plenty of time to practice my back dives..
 I literally had to drag Trevin out of the pool before he got water logged!  
We got dressed and headed out to look at GG's new house...again.'s so awesome.  The boys would've spent all afternoon in there..Also, Uncle Dale made a surprise visit which was radical.  Uncle Dale called my dress the "Mullet".  Party in the front, business in the back (because it's long in the back) haha
Time for some popsicles!
We cleaned up and then headed to a charity event for Marcy's friend Blaire.  We stayed for about 30 minutes and then left.  It was just too hot outside and the boys were tired and cranky..At least Trev looked cool. No diggity
Ma and Pa were nice enough to keep an ear out for the boys after they went to bed so I could go meet up with my old Wherehouse friend, Melinda.  It has been over 10 years since I last saw her.  We had such an awesome time playing catch up!
Good first days in Tucson even if we did melt.