Monday, September 7, 2015

Trevin turns FOUR!!

Trevin finally turned four and we celebrated at Scooter's Jungle with all of his friends.  Papa Mike even made a trip out from Arizona for the festivities.
Father and son looking "tough".
We all waited in the lobby for our turn to go bounce.  Trevin got a sticker with his name letting everyone know he was the birthday boy.  Tessa was peeved she didn't get one...
Thank goodness there were a few funny mirrors to keep the kids entertained while we waited...
 Finally, it was our turn to listen to the rules...
 They opened the doors and it was like a thousand caged animals being set free.  The noise level in this place was deafening... 
 I was stoked when the birthday boy requested my presence on the slide with him.  Usually, he is off frolicking around with his homies and leaves me in the dust.
I then got roped in by several other kids who requested that I go down the slide with them.  The fun never ends.
Little Brinley adores Ryden and follows him everywhere.  And Ryden enjoys every minute of it.
 The baby crew!
Oh Breegan..with that little smile!
 A few of my girls...and yes, Tessa (Angie's daughter) and I are wearing matching "Best Friend" shirts.
 We already look exhausted and the party just started.
 Jason is the fun dad that plays with every kid..
 My friend Theresa has a mad crush on Jason (in a fun way) so I took a picture of them together.  It was like she was standing next to Justin Bieber she was so excited!
Brinley insisted that Trevin sit on her lap on the way down the big slide.
Jason got roped in several times to plummet down the big slide.
 Our friend Annabelle showed up!  We haven't seen her in over a year!  We met her when we first moved to LA.  We were at the park and she randomly came up to Ryden and they played forever together.  Even after not seeing each other for that long, they jumped right back into it and played like they had seen each other yesterday.  It was really cute.
 The maximum amount of kids we could have was 25.  We ended up having close to 40.  Whoops.  
It was time for pizza and cake.  We all corralled into a small dining area where it got even more chaotic!  
 Everyone inhaled their pizza...bouncing, running, and screaming sure works up an appetite. 
 King Trevin
 Angie...with her best friend Trevin
 Happy birthday Trevin!  Enjoy that huge plate of sugar!