Sunday, September 20, 2015

Tucson...Part 3

We woke up the next morning and guess what we did?  That's right...back into the pool we went.
 Lots of jumping in and squirting each other with the water gun thingy.
 Cannonball Freezer!  That is what Trevin would yell each time he jumped in
 My mom and I took the boys to Bookman's and the Dollar Store.  They were in hog heaven when Ahwee said they could pick out a few books each ("I've got credit!").  And then I gave them $2 each to spend at the dollar store..Trev picked out a ninja mask and wore it for a while in the heat.
Ryden snuggled up to Boo and read his new books.
Then the cousins got out of school so we went bowling with them.  It's kind of a tradition
Ben has been toting his video camera every where because he was filming a movie starring Ry and Trev.  We actually got the final edited edition in the mail the other day and it was AMAZING!  Reminded me of when I use to force the cousins to put on plays and make music videos.
After bowling, we headed over to the cousins house.  Since they had school all week, we barely had time to chill at their house which is one of my boy's favorite things to do.  So we had more swim time with lots of jumps into the pool
Look out below Jacob!
 This little boy sure does love his cousins
 Such a little fish this whole trip
 I love that Jacob wore every tube...
 ...and then jumped in with them all
 Little Emma...probably the only time she wasn't being tortured by her brother (or vice versa)
 Sara put 'Snowfee' in the pool....she was pissed
 Mad dog sunbathin' in the sunnnn...
 After Emma had been tormented enough, she got out of the pool and did some nice art work.  She would say "Ok Aunt Amy, what color of shirt do you want?"  I said "How about blue?"  She answered "Hmm...I think I'll do it pink"  She asked the same question about my skirt and did the exact opposite of my answer...
 Back at Papa & Ahwee's the ninja had some mad dog.