Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tucson...Part 2

The day started bright and early with the making of a pear pie.  This time, Trevin was eager to help.  He wanted to be included on the pear pie making tradition.
Since we were visiting so close to Trevin's actual birthday, I asked the cousins if they wanted to come to Peter Piper Pizza to celebrate Trevin turning four.  They were all on board!
They loved the carousel..but I think Ahwee loved it the best.
 Skee ball!
It was hilarious to watch Trevin play this race car game.  His legs were to short to reach the pedals so someone had to stand next to him and push on the gas.  Meanwhile, he was just plowin' over curbs, flipping onto incoming traffic, and doing 360's....while maintaining a serious look on his face.  We were cracking up.
  After some cardboard pizza and lots of germs, we headed back home to celebrate with some cupcakes and presents.  Both the Davies and my parents got Trevin a grab bag of fun toys.  It was awesome watching him open each thing and get excited.  This Happy Birthday headband was a hit.
 "Now I can drink coffee like Grandma!"
 Of course...the gum was his favorite.  Now that he is four he gets to chew gum (although Jason caved and gave him gum when he was only three!)
 "Whoa Doggies Ahwee!"  She might kill me for this picture.  
 A mallet that lights up when you hit it on something?  Perfect!
 Sara knows the way to Trevy's heart is through candy
 "Nobody will throw my ball?"- Molly Boo
My mom was nice enough to get a few things for Ryden so he wouldn't feel left out.
 Birthday cake time!
 Trevin trying so hard to control...and not plant his face in the frosting.
 The big four year old...
 And Jacob doing his arm farts as usual.  Trevin thought that was the greatest thing and would go around the house whacking his arm on his chest as hard as he could with no chance of a fart noise.  Like cousin like cousin.
 Trevin proceeded to eat only the frosting off of the cake.  Sweet.  Thanks for all of the presents and celebrating with Trevin!