Friday, November 6, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

We've established a few holiday traditions with our homegirls...The Smith's.  One of them being the pumpkin patch..We finally found a day were it wasn't 150 degrees (only about 95) so we were on our way.
The pumpkin patch we go to is perfect.  It's small with a couple of bounce houses and some animals to feed.  
 It's funny to watch the kids..they start out feeding the animal a single piece of food at a time...
 Easy does it goat...
Pretty soon, they get bored and one single goat is getting the whole cup of food....The big kids were pretty patient though..and made sure each animal got some.
 I went searching for the big kids and found them having a goat party by themselves.
 "Just take the whole cup!"
 "That's my pumpkin Tessa!" #TessAndTrev
 Each one picked out a pumpkin.  It took forever for my boys to decide since Ryden wanted to bring home the biggest one he could find.  No thank you!
 I just love the way Tessa and Trevin are looking at each other in this picture.
 Until next year Pumpkin PATCH!  Woo Hoo!