Saturday, November 14, 2015

Friendship walk

Every year, Skechers hosts a pier to pier Friendship Walk.  This was the first year that Trevin walked almost the whole thing on his own.  Each year, I also forget how many stinkin' people participate in this event.  
The kids love to get all of the free goodies that then end up collecting dust in their bedrooms until I give most of it away when they aren't looking.  I mean how many plastic sunglasses and random pamphlets do we need?
And we are off!  We went a little before the walk actually started to avoid the massive crowd.  Ry didn't complain once.
Hitching a ride from Dada for a few seconds.  Then he wanted to walk all by 'ma-self'.

Notice the lolipop in Trevin's hand.  I told him he had to wait until we got halfway where they give away bananas...he had to eat a banana...then he could have his lollipop.
He followed directions and was super excited to eat his lollipop after his tasty banana.  All was well until he dropped the lollipop on the ground and flipped out.  Saddest.  Day.  Ever!  Dada carried him the rest of the way..