Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas in Tucson...Part 4

The day after the Christmas rush, I had to go stop by my bestest friend's house and see her new little one.  Cathy and I have been friends since kinder and she just had another boy a few months ago.  He loved his auntie Ahmee.
 And loved my hair even more...
After my visit with the little boy, we headed to the Wheeland's for some good ole fashion turkey sandwiches.  Probably my favorite thing in the world.  White bread, mayo, and lettuce.. then we played with Bennett's fun toys he got for Christmas.
Since my birthday falls right after Christmas and I am the middle child, I was always ignored (hahaha just kidding!) My mom wanted to celebrate my birthday before we headed home so she told me to pick where I wanted to go and I had to choose El Minuto.  Best Mexican food around.  We happened to pick the COLDEST day to brave the outdoors.  I huddled next to Marissa to keep warm while mom, of course, said "Get TOGETHER!"
It was a great little celebration and we had some flan and a happy birthday song as well.  Thanks Ma, for organizing.
 A little last minute rough housing with Dada before we called it a night.
Oh and some more Instagraming from Ma.  Thirty fireplace pictures later.....
The next morning we packed up and headed out.  Always so sad when it's time to leave.  I can just hear Ma in the background singing "It's time to goooooo, the party's ovvvvveeerrr!"  The first thing Trev said when we got in the car was "When we get home I want a haircut to look like Papa".
 Monkey headphones.....
 ...and Funyuns courtesy of my Mom for the ride home.  Such a fun family time in Tucson.  Merry Christmas!