Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Summer fun

The summer has just begun, but we have already had many adventures!  Some parents dislike summer because they have to find stuff for the kids to do....I LOVE summer.  No rushing around in the mornings...hanging in the sun...playing with the boys.  For Memorial Day, our awesome friends invited us to hang at their parents house in Laguna Beach.  It was so great hanging out at our old stomping grounds...when we used to live in OC.
 The kids loved exploring the rocks and splashing in the waves..
 Trevin and Nila were in the same preschool class.
More summer stuff....
Sleeping in past 8am
Trevin doing a little more modeling
 Swimming in our blow up pool with our homies.
Then, taking advantage of having a friend with a real pool.
Sunset walks on the pier with Dada
Many park adventures
Sushi dates with Grandma
Skateboard camp for Ry
 Solo breakfast date with Trevin while Ry was at camp
And walks to get icee's and hanging out at The Point
 Summer is lookin' good so far...