Monday, June 27, 2016

Roller Skating!

If anyone knows me, they know how much I LOVE to roller-skate.  Every summer, my mom would drop me and my sisters off at Skate Country and we would have a blast.  So, when Angie mentioned we should have a roller skating day, you know I was all over that!!!
Don't they look cute with their mini walkers!
I just love all these kids laced up in their skates and ready to go.  Actually, 3 out of 4 weren't too excited.
 It started out a little rough.  Turns out, it is rather difficult to help two kids at the same time who have never been on skates before.  We had a few falls and some tears and many "I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS"'s.  But I swear...after they went around once, something clicked and they started to enjoy themselves.
The littles got super bored after about 5 minutes and headed to the arcade and candy machines.  Kept them entertained for awhile despite having no money to put in these machines.
Best buds for half the time...enemies the next
Angie took the bigs out while I kept an eye on the goofballs.
The confidence got better and better and soon they ditched the walkers.  Proud moment for me!  Ry did so well and went around several times with Olivia on his own.  
"Mom, you stay with the little kids while Ryden and I go by ourselves!"- Olivia
Taking a break to watch the kids skate.  They were so cute together.  When one of them fell the other would say "Are you ok??"  Always skating
 I was actually super impressed by Trevin as well.  He kept saying he didn't want to skate.  Then randomly he would say, "I want to go skate now" and we would do a few runs.  Then he would take a break with Tessa to snapchat.  
 A little blurry of us but proof that we were rocking our skates also.  I swear, this was one of the best days.  Everyone was happy, everyone tried their best, and I think we have some roller skates to buy in the future.  Just wish we had a rink closer to us.