Monday, October 30, 2017

Weekend fun

Jason MacMaster does not like to sit still.  That is why we usually have several activities planned each weekend.  We decided to do an impromptu bike ride to take up some time on Saturday.  We called upon the Schroeder's who were happy to join.  Bike gang!
We rode all the way from our house down to the Redondo Pier.  About a 10 mile bike ride round trip.  Trevin did amazing for how much he normally complains about everything.
 We hung out at the Redondo Pier for awhile to give the boy's legs a rest and to check out the smelly fish and the equally smelly arcade.  Also had some time for a few quick photo shoot.
Creepy Ryden.....just creepy
 Guess the theme was "scary/zombie faces"
We had to hit up the Tilt-A-Hurl (and by 'we' I mean 'not me').  Good thing we did this before lunch.  I think the boys rode it about three times in a row.
 On to a few arcade games for the little kids....
....and a big kid too.
Time for lunch!
After lunch, we promised ice we delivered.
 And then the boys decided to do a few jumps off the side and onto the beach below.
Now...we ride!  All the way back to Manhattan Beach.  So much fun!  Love that the boys are finally old enough to do this awesome activity.  
Sunday morning we woke up bright and early to do the Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk.  Molly even got to come this time.  Olivia was in hog heaven and walked her the whole time.
And Jason ended up carrying Trevin for half the time.
If you could only hear the conversations these two have....
Sunday night, we headed to the South Bay Laker's game.  It was super fun and the boys loved it....although we were watching the Dodger game on a laptop at the same time :)
Exhausting but super fun weekend!