Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quick Update

Well I am almost 38 weeks along and for those of you who don't count weeks, a full term pregnancy is 40. So it won't be long now. I am still feeling wonderful but am getting a little stir crazy being at home all day on maternity leave from work. Doctor Biter finally told us that we will be delivering in Encinitas vs. La Jolla which is fine with us (and a lot closer to our house). The one down fall about the hospital in Encinitas is that we may have to share a room after the delivery. But other than that, I love Scripps Encinitas. It is smaller and has a more "homey" feel to it. Now we are just playing the waiting game which is the hardest part of all. Will he be early? Late? We'll see. I promise to post a 38 week belly picture soon but I don't feel like I have grown that much. All together I believe I have gained about 25-27 pounds. YIKES!(depending on the time of day and the scale). Sorry for the boring post but I thought I should keep everyone updated.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mel's Visit and Jason's birthday

This weekend Melinda came to visit. It also happened to be one of the hottest weekends EVER in California. On Sunday we decided to go to Balboa Park to take advantage of the wonderful weather. Little did we know that ALL of California had the same idea. We sat in traffic forever and when we finally got to Balboa Park there was absolutley no where to park. So we ditched that idea and tried to think of other exciting things to do. We decided that anything we tried to do would have the same results. Tons of people and no parking. But we didn't want Melinda to leave without at least walking by a beach so we headed out to Oceanside Pier. Although lot the nicest of beaches it was fun to just walk on the pier and watch the surfers for awhile. I am 36 weeks (9 months) in this picture and still feeling great:

Not so bad living in California

After the Pier it was time for Jason's mini birthday dinner with the three girls. Of course Jason picks a fish house to take us to that only serves fish. Nothing else. Melinda and I are the biggest fish fans (insert sarcasim here) but we had Mahi Mahi and Shrimp to impress the birthday boy.
Then he had a mini cake (which was torture for me not to eat but I was good) and Melinda shoved as many candles on that she could. She couldn't quite fit 31 on.

Tyson wants a piece!
Monday was my offical first day of maternity leave and what a great day it was. Melinda and I got to spend the day together. Shopping and getting pedicures. What more could a girl ask for. I just had to put this picture on. How bad to the bone does Melinda look on Jason's motorcylce? Pretty cool if you ask me:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Jason!

Today my awesome, karate-kicking husband turns 31! Yes I am still older than him...and yes he was born on tax day. He is currently in Arkansas for work on his birthday which happened last year as well. Love you!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


To start our Easter off right, we decided to attend the sunrise 7am church service. Although the service was held outside, which was freezing, we had a beautiful moutain view while Pastor Mike preached the good word.

Later in the day, we made our daily family trip to the park to let the dogs get their excercise on! We thought it would be funny to hide dog treat eggs for Molly and Tyson, but they just wanted to play. Molly took a pretty funny spill on camera (see video below), but is a trooper and continued in full play mode. There is also a nice shot of Amy's belly at 35 weeks. Peace b with you!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I know we are about to have our first baby, but my motorcycle itch was too much to take and I finally purchased a bike. Its not my dream Harley but it will do for now until I get my skills back up to par. I wonder if they make lil doggy helmets so Molly could cruise the coast with me.

Fun Friday

So Jason and I both had this Friday off and he decided to fill our day with fun things to do because that is just the awesome husband he is. The day started off not so good for Molly though. Since I haven't been the best about combing her (ever!) she turned into Chewbacca. It was off to the groomers for her!

Before and After

After we dropped off Molly, we stopped in Carlsbad Village for a nice breakfast and then we were off for our massages. It was just what I needed for my lower back and feet. Ryden is making me quite "middle" heavy so the weight of course ends up mostly on my feet! It was so relaxing and I would have no problem doing that every weekend!

Then we were off to get our eyebrows waxed. Yes I have a hubby that likes to groom which works out for me.

We picked up Molly (now looking more like an old lady dog than Chewbacca) and dropped her off at home. On to Babies R Us to do my favorite thing...SHOP. We bought some last minute items needed for our little visitor coming in a month!

So after the long day of errands and fun we finally got home and I was able to put away all the baby stuff (nesting I believe is the word). I also was able to hang up the cute animals that my cousin Elyse sent to me. Look how cute they are BFF! I hung them on the baby room door so everyone can see them... Thanks again for sending them Weeze...XOXO
So in closing I just want to say that I have a wonderful husband and was extremely happy to spend the entire day with him. And aside from a few "butt cramps (hahah)" and tired feet...I still feel pretty good. Just ready to finally meet this little guy! Can't wait to have the whole family meet him also.....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ryden week 33

Ok so here is a short video of baby MacMaster at week 33. He was a little camera shy and covered up his face with his arm. And there are a few times where he looks a little odd but would look odd also if you were floating around in liquid all day! HA! I think he has Jason's chubby cheeks..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

OC Baby Shower

Today the girls threw me a baby shower up in the OC. It was so much fun! They did such a great job with everything. Everyone had to paint a onesie, bib, or t-shirt and they turned out awesome! I also had a diaper cake and sock flowers. And yes I had to wear my special tank top that I wore for my Tucson shower. It was a big hit. Thank you everyone that came and thank you for all the wonderful baby gifts I got! I have such a great bunch of girl friends. Little over a month to go and everyone will be able to meet him in person! After the baby shower I got to spend tons of quality time with T-Dawg. It was so nice because she has been so busy so we just talked the entire afternoon and played catch up. And yes we also did some shopping at the Spectrum. Although I am pretty exhausted right now, I really had a blast today.
Here are the cute home made shirts/bibs
Diaper cake! Homemade by Tiffany!
The Girls

Friday, April 3, 2009


In preparation of the baby and all of the video I will probably take of him, I decided to mess around with a new editing program.. Three hours later, I had created a very silly video of Molly puppy footage.. ENJOI!