Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mel's Visit and Jason's birthday

This weekend Melinda came to visit. It also happened to be one of the hottest weekends EVER in California. On Sunday we decided to go to Balboa Park to take advantage of the wonderful weather. Little did we know that ALL of California had the same idea. We sat in traffic forever and when we finally got to Balboa Park there was absolutley no where to park. So we ditched that idea and tried to think of other exciting things to do. We decided that anything we tried to do would have the same results. Tons of people and no parking. But we didn't want Melinda to leave without at least walking by a beach so we headed out to Oceanside Pier. Although lot the nicest of beaches it was fun to just walk on the pier and watch the surfers for awhile. I am 36 weeks (9 months) in this picture and still feeling great:

Not so bad living in California

After the Pier it was time for Jason's mini birthday dinner with the three girls. Of course Jason picks a fish house to take us to that only serves fish. Nothing else. Melinda and I are the biggest fish fans (insert sarcasim here) but we had Mahi Mahi and Shrimp to impress the birthday boy.
Then he had a mini cake (which was torture for me not to eat but I was good) and Melinda shoved as many candles on that she could. She couldn't quite fit 31 on.

Tyson wants a piece!
Monday was my offical first day of maternity leave and what a great day it was. Melinda and I got to spend the day together. Shopping and getting pedicures. What more could a girl ask for. I just had to put this picture on. How bad to the bone does Melinda look on Jason's motorcylce? Pretty cool if you ask me: