Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quick Update

Well I am almost 38 weeks along and for those of you who don't count weeks, a full term pregnancy is 40. So it won't be long now. I am still feeling wonderful but am getting a little stir crazy being at home all day on maternity leave from work. Doctor Biter finally told us that we will be delivering in Encinitas vs. La Jolla which is fine with us (and a lot closer to our house). The one down fall about the hospital in Encinitas is that we may have to share a room after the delivery. But other than that, I love Scripps Encinitas. It is smaller and has a more "homey" feel to it. Now we are just playing the waiting game which is the hardest part of all. Will he be early? Late? We'll see. I promise to post a 38 week belly picture soon but I don't feel like I have grown that much. All together I believe I have gained about 25-27 pounds. YIKES!(depending on the time of day and the scale). Sorry for the boring post but I thought I should keep everyone updated.