Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Love this little boy!

The last few nights have been pretty rough. Ryden has been a little congested so he has had a hard time breathing. And also, he has some gas issues which makes it difficult for him to sleep. So he has been sleeping until about one in the morning and then he will be up for several hours and it takes a long time to get him back to sleep. Jason has taken him for a few car rides and even ran the vacuum to help him sleep.
But last night was an amazing night. He went to bed at 9:00pm and slept until 2:00am....woke up and fed...went back to sleep around 3:00am and slept until 5:30am! I was overjoyed. In my book that counts as "sleeping through the night". Of course today he didn't sleep much at all. A few cat naps here and there so I am hoping that will be a good sign and he will repeat his sleeping habit from last night.
I have enjoyed being home with Ryden. Like I mentioned before, his favorite thing is to lay on his jungle mat and look in the mirror. He does this cute laugh thing that I have been trying to catch on video with no luck. It melts my heart each time I hear him and see him smile (which most books say is just from gas but I don't believe that.
He is getting bigger every day and his personality grows more and more. I can't believe he is already 17 days old!

He actually smiled while he was sleeping

So I let Jason dress him and this is what he ended up in. It is his "hip hop" look according to Jason: