Wednesday, June 24, 2009


As you all know, yesterday I started Ryden on a schedule. How did he do last night you ask? Well before I start doing a happy dance I do need to see what happens tonight but I must say...last night went better than I thought. Before the schedule I was getting up about 4 times at night to feed and put him back to sleep. Last night I got up TWICE! WOO HOO! He went down for the night at about 10pm and slept until 1am. I fed him for about 15 minutes and he was back to sleep and didn't wake up until 4am! I fed him again but this time he didn't go back down until about 4:45am and wasn't fully asleep. He was making grunting noises for awhile until eventually he fell asleep. The noises don't really bother me but since he is still sleeping in our room in a bassinet I worry about poor Jason. He said it is ok with him but I know that he is such a light sleeper. After he finally feel asleep around 5am and slept until about 6:30am when Jason got up with him for their morning Daddy/Ryden time while Mommy sleeps for an extra hour. And we are back on schedule today! Eating~playing~naping. Still sleeping in the swing because I am not brave enough to ween him just yet. We are hoping by next week or the week after he will be sleeping in his crib. Cross your fingers!!
Here are a few pictures from the past few days.
He is starting to hold on to things:
Loves his jungle mat!

Also loves his Ryden blanket