Monday, June 1, 2009

Getting Bigger!

My baby is over a week old! My how time flies. Next thing I know he will be in college. The past week has been pretty good. Jason and I are finally adjusting to this little guy and he is starting to get into a routine. The beginning of Ryden's life was a little rough for him. He had to get his blood drawn twice because he was a little Jaundice so the doctor wanted to make sure that he wasn't getting worse. After the second blood draw they wanted him back for a third. When I took him back the doctor took one look at him and said his color looked much better so we didn't have to prick his foot for a blood sample for the third time. That made me happy!
Ryden really has been a calm and amazing baby. He eats all the time and hardly ever cries. He just fusses and that is mainly when he is hungry (which is about every two hours on the dot!) He has been sleeping pretty well at night. He will wake up, I will feed him, and then he usually will go right back asleep. Yesterday he decided to sleep all day so last night he wanted to party instead of sleep and kept me up half the night but I still love him.
My parents have been awesome! It has been so nice having them around to help entertain Ryden and let me nap when possible. I just learned that they are leaving tomorrow which makes me a little nervous. I will be alone for the first time but I am feeling more comfortable now then I was a few days ago. Wish me luck!
Ryden has also had a few visitors. His Aunt Sara and Uncle Steve came by along with his cousins, Ben and Jacob. His Aunt Melinda is in town also. Special birthday shout out to Melinda! Yesterday was her birthday...Ryden was born so close to her.
Here are a few pictures from my Paparazzi Mom.
First bath....not happy!

Spikey hair like Daddy
Homemade Bear from Grandpa
Sitting in the indirect sun to help with his Jaundice

He loves looking at cousin Katie's painting

Passed out
Gangsta baby

Grandma T-Dawg love
Aunt Sara and Uncle Steve