Saturday, January 23, 2010


WEIGHT:  19lbs 4oz
LENGTH:  28 inches
FAVORITE TOY:  Train ball popper...and Daddy's "live strong" style bracelet.  He will chew on that and entertain himself for days.  Odd I know
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  He loves playing with his other baby friends at church.  Loves the swings and would be content if he could stand all day.
MILESTONES:  Drinking from a sippy cup.  Holds on with one hand while standing.  Takes a few steps with assistance.  Will stand on own for a few seconds.  Has two bottom teeth.  Pulls himself up to a standing position.
DISLIKES:  Being in the stroller!
MOM'S FAVORITE:  When he started dancing when my phone rang.  Or when I put on Daddy's hip hop music he will look at me, smile, and start shakin' his body back and forth.  The kid already loves music!
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Daddy taught him how to high five.  See video shown below

High fives for Daddy