Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fun in the ball pit

Yesterday we took the babies to Playwerx which is an indoor play area.  Yeah....Ryden wasn't too happy about the ball pit to begin with.  He just sank down and started pouting.  But after a while he saw how much Aurora and Ayla liked it so he started diggin' it a little more.  This place will be GREAT when the babies are older because the mommies can chill and have a latte while the kids go crazy!  We had a bigger group of people so at one point we took over the whole ball pit.
What is this place?  Aurora sure is diggin' it!

Get me out of here please

How would life be with twins?  How did you do it Aunt Chris???

Check out Ryden's hair...hello hair plugs for men!

Rora loves it!

Classic Ryden....fingers in mouth

Nicole being the "mother of twins"

Who do you think is having more fun on the slide?