Monday, January 11, 2010

More baby friends

Today Ryden got to hang out with Moses and Ayla.  They played together while the mommies took turns working out.  Ayla took a liking to Ryden and kept trying to hold his hand.  He is so not into girls right now.  Give him a few years.  After a few laps running up and down the stairs, and a few hundred lunges, we took the babies on the swings.  Ryden LOVED it.....not only does he love swinging...but he loves to look at waves.  So he got the best of both worlds!  Of course I turned him so his back was facing the ocean just so I could get a few cool pictures.  How lucky to be able to let your kids swing and play right on the beach.  I love where I live.

Moses, Ryden and Ayla (she just learned how to clap and was clapping in this picture)

Holding hands

Lovin' life